2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
AITSL Standard 2.6 Example 1
I use a variety of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teaching and learning activities. Below is an example of my Daily Work Pad (DWP) for Monday 14th June. Highlighted blue are examples of hyperlinks to YouTube videos and interactive websites including our welcome and good morning song, yoga activity, Jolly Phonics song, interactive website on counting up to 10 objects and a YouTube video in which the Rainbow Serpent story was read aloud. The sections that are highlighted red are Power Points I made and showed to the students. In the first Power Point were examples of the Aboriginal Flag where we discussed the meaning behind each section of the flag which led into a group collage of the Aboriginal Flag. The second Power Point included examples of pictures made from natural objects which provided students with examples of what could be made from natural objects. This led to an activity in which the students could create their own picture made from natural materials. The sections highlighted in green are ICT activities in which the students used iPads and created a collage using the Pic Collage app.

Figure 1 - DWP demonstrating use of ICT
EYLF Outcomes: 1, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1, 3 & 5
Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Creative, Cognitive, Physical & Spiritual
AITSL Standard 2.6 Example 2
Below is an example of how I used ICT resources which were relevant and meaningful to the students. As part of our learning about insects the students were involved in a hands on experience in which they watched and played with millipedes, beetles, slater bugs, ladybugs, caterpillars and cocoons. I attached macro lenses to iPads and the students watched the insects moving close up and were able to see details of the insects, like legs and antennas moving. The students were fascinated with the way the millipede's legs moved when they walked and curious how the slater bugs tucked their legs into their body when they rolled up, which they could see using the macro lens. The students enjoyed taking magnified photos of the insects, please see their amazing photos below in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Students photographs using micro lenses on iPads
EYLF Outcomes: 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1, 3, 5 & 6
Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Creative, Cognitive, Spiritual & Physical
AITSL Standard 2.6 Example 3
Below is an example how I integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content in the area of mathematics relevant and meaningful. To assist students in their understanding of counting, number recognition, patterns, shapes and one to one correspondence the students use iPads and QR codes of websites to play a variety of interactive websites including: How Many Ladybugs, Shape Pattern, Shape Monsters and Counting up to 10 Objects, please see Figure 3. The students also used interactive websites on the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) during mat sessions and learning centres, see Figure 4, in which students practiced counting and number recognition. In order to play the game, 4 students at a time lined up on the carpet in front of the IWB, once one student completed the activity three times they then moved onto another learning centre activity within the classroom.

Figure 3 - QR codes for interactive websites
EYLF Outcomes: 2, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1 & 3
Domains: Social, Cognitive & Physical