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4.4 Maintain student safety

AITSL Standard 4.4 Example 1

I identify potential risks to students and create and maintain a supportive and safe learning environment for all students. Student A started Kindergarten half way through Term 2 and we were warned from his previous school that he can run away from the classroom and out of the school. For safety reasons we locked the exit doors and the door which led into the kitchen, which led to the Pre Primary classroom then outside. We also provided close supervision inside and outside the classroom. Below is an example of how potential risks were identified and adjustments made to maintain student safety. During Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) adjustments were made to the FMS activity, see lesson plan in Figure 1, to allow for adequate supervision for Gregory. Originally I planned to split the class in half, one half was to participate in hopping and jumping skills with myself as the group leader, while the other half of the class was to complete an obstacle course with the EA assisting students over climbing equipment. For safety reasons, instead of splitting the group into teacher and EA activities, I changed the planning so that there was one teacher lead activity, the obstacle course, and one free play in the sand pit activity. I organised another staff member to assist in supervision. The EA and other teacher closely supervise Student A. I made sure all gates were closed and staff were aware they had to monitor all exits. All staff were notified of Student A's potential to run away from the school grounds and were asked to be more vigilant during recess and lunch time, providing close supervision of Student A outside and monitor all exits to the playground.

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Figure 1 - Fundamental Movement Skills lesson plan

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2 & 3

NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3 & 4

Domains: Personal, Social & Physical

AITSL Standard 4.4 Example 2

Outlined below is an example of an incident in the classroom which posed a risk to students safety, in which I dealt with promptly, identify other potential risks to students and then put measures in place to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all students.

After witnessing a fire risk, involving students posting paper into the heater, I immediately stopped the students and had a class discussion about the dangers of heaters, never posting any item into the heater and keeping ourselves and all of the toys away from the heater. We discussed flammable items, fire safety and what to do in case there was a fire in our classroom. I showed the students the evacuation plan and discussed it, see Figures 2 and 3. We spoke about ways to keep ourselves safe from fires at home and at school, what to do when there is a fire, the number to call and the job of firemen.

Safety measures put in place to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all students:

  • all staff to ensure the area directly around the heater is kept clear at all times

  • all staff to ensure that no play equipment is too close to the heater

  • all staff to closely supervise students playing near heater

  • heater to be turned off during break times and when leaving the classroom for other activities

  • alert all relief staff to the all of the above.

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Figure 2 - Staff and student emergency and lockdown procedures discussed with students

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Figure 3 - Evacuation diagram discussed with students

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2 & 3

NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3 & 4

Domains: Personal & Social

AITSL Standard 4.4 Example 3

I ensure students' well-being and safety by implementing legislative requirements and mandatory policy documents. Below is an example of some of my Daily Work Pad lessons on protective behaviours, see Figure 4.

Protective behaviour lessons:

  • Early Warning Signs on your body

  • discussion of different situations: safe, fun to feel scared, risking on purpose and unsafe

  • safe surprises and unsafe secrets

  • 5 people we can share unsafe secrets with.

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Figure 4 - Example of protective behaviours lessons

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7

Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Cognitive & Physical

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