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7.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities

AITSL Standard 7.1 Example 1

I meet codes of ethics and appropriately de-identifed meeting records, emails and other communication which show an understanding of ethics and responsibilities to protect the privacy of students, staff and parents. De-identification is the process used to prevent someone's personal identity from being revealed. Within this website I have de-identifed  students, staff and parents at Caralee Community School by covering faces in photos, referring to students without using their name (E.g. Student A), and blocking out names in class lists, records, documentation, IEPs, anecdotal notes and communication, please see examples below in Figures 1-5.

Meeting with Pam Dow without names.png

Figure 1 - Meeting with Educational Support Officer

Number Recognition.png

Figure 2 - Checklist showing initial grouping of students according to ability Level


Figure 3 - Students exposed to new words and writing by using shopping lists while playing shop together

Rock Pic Collage sample.jpg

Figure 4 - Example of creating words using letters on river stones, using iPads to take photos and create a picture using Pic Collage

Nature Pic Collage sample.jpg

Figure 5 - Example of student creating a picture using natural resources and creating a picture using Pic Collage

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7

Domains: Personal, Social, Cognitive & Physical

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