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5.5 Report on student achievement

AITSL Standard 5.5 Example 1

I report clearly, accurately and respectfully to students and parents/carers about student achievement, by making use of accurate and reliable records. Figures 1-15 are examples of checklists with anecdotal notes for assessment in the areas of literacy, numeracy, Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), fine motor skills and social and emotional development. These assessments were used to report on student achievement for the students mid year report.


Figure 1 - Literacy assessment - can follow simple instructions


Figure 3 - Math assessment - can make collections of 5


Figure 5 - FMS -hops forward on 1 foot


Figure 2 - Literacy assessment - can discriminate rhyme in words


Figure 4 - Math assessment - can recognise numbers 1-5 and

can count 1-1 correspondence


Figure 6 - FMS - climbs obstacle course confidently


Figure 7 - FMS - climbs playground equipment confidently


Figure 8 - FMS - can bounce and catch a large ball


Figure 9 - FMS - can jump forward on 2 feet


Figure 10 - FMS - can catch a large ball


Figure 11 - Fine motor skills -

cutting skills & scissor grip

Social and Emotional 1.png

Figure 13 - Social and emotional development -

EYLF learning outcomes 1


Figure 12 - Fine motor skills -

can cut along a circle

Social and Emotional 2.png

Figure 14 - Social and emotional development -

EYLF learning outcomes 2

Social and Emotional 3.png

Figure 15 - Social and emotional development -

EYLF learning outcomes 3 & 4

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Cognitive & Physical

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