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4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

AITSL Standard 4.5 Example 1

I taught my students about using Information Communication Technology (ICT) safely, responsibly and ethically in a mat session, see Figure 1. The students first played a game in which they got into groups with everyone that had the same characteristics as themselves, E.g. number of legs, same colour hair, etc. Towards the end of the game the students got into groups outlining personal information, E.g. the same first name and last name, lives in the same house, etc. All students were standing alone by the end of the game and I explained that the reason why they were standing alone is that no-one else in Kindergarten lives in your house. I explained that although they do have a lot of things in common, each of them is special and not exactly like anybody else. I explained that some of the things that make us different are our names, what we look like, what we like doing, or our personality. I then showed the students the cartoon, 'Hector's World: E1 Details, details, details' about how important it is to keep their special personal information safe, please click on video in Figure 2. By watching the video the students learnt how to become safe and responsible digital citizens by only sharing personal information with people they trust and keeping their computers safe. They also learnt about the importance of seeking guidance from a trusted adult when they feel unsafe or uneasy online. After watching the video we had a class discussion about the key outcomes listed in Figure 3.

Hector's world lesson plan.jpg

Figure 1 - ICT safety lesson plan

Hector's world.png

Figure 2 - Cartoon, 'Hector's World: E1 Details, details, details'

Protecting personal information.png

Figure 3 - Personal information key outcomes

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3 & 5

Domains: Language & Personal

AITSL Standard 4.5 Example 2

Below is an example of how I provided a safe environment for my students to learn online. As part of our inquiry learning on spiders I wanted the students to learn about spiders and answer some of their inquiry questions by watching short, child-friendly and appropriate YouTube videos. Firstly I viewed all content the students would be exposed to, by viewing the YouTube videos on spiders prior to introducing them to my students. I provided my students with QR code cards, see Figure 4, so that students could access only the YouTube videos which I had approved that were age appropriate and not too long in duration. In a mat session I demonstrated how to use the QR codes and discussed the rules of how the students were to use them in the classroom, see Figure 5 outlining the iPad rules. The rule was they chose a QR code, watched the short video then exited out of it for someone else to have a turn. This way students could not accidentally watch the next video that YouTube chose for them. I demonstrated how to do this in our mat session and all students practiced accessing the QR code and exiting out. When the students were using the iPad for QR codes I put up the 'iPad Rules' visual on the desk to remind the students of the rules, see Figure 5. I also made sure I was close by to monitor that the students were following the rules and so that I was aware of what the students were doing online.


QR code spiders.png

Figure 4 - QR codes for YouTube videos on spiders

iPad rules.png

Figure 5 - iPad rules

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3 & 5

Domains: Language, Cognitive, Physical & Personal

AITSL Standard 4.5 Example 3

To taught my students about different ways to stay safe online, see lesson in Figure 6. We first recapped on ways the students can stay safe online, then watched the cartoon 'Online Safety Staying Safe Online', please click on video in Figure 7.

The students then did a think, pair, share with their partner about one thing they can do to stay safe online.


We ended the lesson with a class discussion on the following key points of how to keep safe online:

  • we need to keep our personal information safe

  • people online are strangers

  • don’t share photos online

  • be kind and respectful

  • adults can help you find what’s safe online

  • if something makes you feel funny, unsafe, upset or if something goes wrong with your computer always tell an adult.

Lesson plan Online safety Staying safe online.jpg

Figure 6 - Staying safe online lesson plan

Youtube video online sfety staying safe online.png

Figure 7 - Cartoon 'Online Safety Staying Safe Online'

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3 & 5

Domains: Language, Social & Personal

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