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5.1 Assess student learning

AITSL Standard 5.1 Example 1

Below is an example of an assessment rubric developed as part of a teaching program to assess students achievement of learning goals, and a sample of students work to add to their portfolios, see Figures 1-4. After reading the story How the Birds got their Colours, each student was asked what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story and I scribed the student’s response. The students were then invited to draw the beginning, middle and end of the story. I created a rubric which outlined the learning task, links to the Kindergarten Guidelines, and a checklists for the following learning objectives:

  • uses small muscles to use implements such as textas with some control and coordination

  • can identify key ideas from simple text

  • respond, express and communicate ideas, feelings in a variety of ways to a range of stimuli, for example, music and artworks.

The students were assess on whether they achieved the learning objective independently or with assistance. The sample of the students work, see Figures 1 and 3, with the rubric stuck on the back, see Figures 2 and 4, was added to the students portfolios and shared with parents.

Remy how the birds got their colours.jpg

Figure 1 - Sample of Student A's work

Remy how the birds got their colour rubric.jpg

Figure 2 - Rubric for Student A

Mary how the birds got their colours example.jpg

Figure 3 - Sample of Student B's work

Mary how the birds got their colours rubric.jpg

Figure 4 - Rubric for Student B

EYLF Outcomes: 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1 & 6

Domains: Language, Creative, Cognitive & Physical

AITSL Standard 5.1 Example 2

I use checklists and anecdotal notes as a form of assessment. Figure 5 is an example of an checklist of the students ability to cut a circle. The students were assessed to see if they could cut along a circle with control, are still developing cutting skills, are beginning to cut close to a given line with some control or cuts away from the line with erratic and random cuts. I also took anecdotal notes about scissor hold, manipulation of the paper as they cut and their ability to cut along a circle. This information informed future planning.

cut a circle.png

Figure 5 - Cutting a circle assessment

EYLF Outcomes: 4

NQS Quality Area: 1 & 2

Domains: Cognitive & Physical

AITSL Standard 5.1 Example 3

Figure 6 is an example of an assessment rubric developed as part of a teaching program to assess students achievement of learning goals and Figure 7 is a sample of a students work which was added to their portfolios. For the activity the students were shown ABAB patterns using two different shapes and were asked to copy and create the two part shape pattern, ABAB. They were then asked to create their own ABAB shape pattern. The students were assessed whether they could independently demonstrate the objectives or if they needed assistance to demonstrate the objectives. The two objectives that were assessed were: can copy an ABAB pattern and can create their own ABAB pattern.

ABAB shapes pattern rubric.png

Figure 6 - Assessment rubric for creating two part patterns

shapes pattern example.jpg

Figure 7 - Sample of students work with assessment rubric

EYLF Outcomes: 4

NQS Quality Area: 1 & 3

Domains: Cognitive & Physical

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