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5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements

AITSL Standard 5.3 Example 1

Figure 1 is an example of a student's work sample with an assessment rubric developed as part of a teaching program to assess students achievement of learning goals. After a demonstration on how to measure using hands, the students placed laminated hands down in a straight line to measure how long different objects were. They counted how many hands using their ‘Peter Pointer’ for one to one correspondence, chose the number from a set of number cards and wrote the corresponding number on their sheet next to the photo of the object. At the bottom of the page, see Figure 1, is an outline of the task, links to the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and an assessment rubric with the learning objectives: can measure how long objects are using hands and can count one to one correspondence to find how many. I assessed the students if they could complete the objective independently or with assistance.


Figure 1 - Student's work sample on measurement with assessment rubric

EYLF Outcomes: 2, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1, 3 & 5

Domains: Language, Social, Physical & Cognitive

AITSL Standard 5.3 Example 2

Below is an example of an assessment rubric developed as part of a teaching program to assess students achievement of learning goals. After a number of activities on creating two part patterns, ABAB, students were shown an ABAB pattern using natural objects and were asked to copy the two part pattern using natural objects. They were then asked to create their own ABAB pattern. The students photographed their work and created a Pic Collage. Figure 2 is an example of a student's work and at the top of the page is an outline of the task, links to the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and an assessment rubric with the learning objectives: can copy an ABAB patter and can create their own ABAB pattern. I assessed the students if they could complete the objective independently or with assistance.


Figure 2 - Student's work sample on patterning with assessment rubric

EYLF Outcomes: 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1 & 5

Domains: Language, Physical & Cognitive

AITSL Standard 5.3 Example 3

Below is an example of an assessment rubric developed as part of a teaching program to assess students achievement of learning goals. After a mat session on identifying which objects were longer and shorter, the students were given strips of coloured card and asked to compare them and identify which strip was longer and shorter, then glue them into the correct column on the page. Figure 3 is an example of a student's work and at the bottom of the page is an outline of the task, links to the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and an assessment rubric with the learning objective: can compare lengths and identify which strips are longer and shorter. Students were assessed whether they could meet the learning objective independently or with assistance.


Figure 3 - Student's work sample on measurement with assessment rubric

EYLF Outcomes: 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1 & 5

Domains: Language, Physical & Cognitive

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