5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning
AITSL Standard 5.2 Example 1
Figures 1 and 2 are two examples of student work samples showing teacher feedback that was provided to students and added to their portfolios to share with parents. Figure 1 is an example of an activity in which the students made their name using letters on river stones and using an iPad photographed their picture. They then used the Pic Collage app to complete a photograph collage. The student's Pic Collage was then printed and mounted on card with an explanation of the task, links to the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and a learning objectives table with tick boxes indicating if the student could complete the task independently or with assistance.

Figure 1 - Example of students creating their name using letters on river stones, using iPads to take photos and creating a picture collage using Pic Collage
Figure 2 is an example of an activity in which the students made a picture using natural resources. Using an iPad, students photographed their picture then used the Pic Collage app to complete a photograph collage. The student's Pic Collage was then printed and mounted on card with an explanation of the task, links to the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, a learning objectives table with tick boxes indicating if the student could complete the task independently or with assistance and a typed comment the student made about their picture.

Figure 2 - Example of students creating a picture using natural resources
EYLF Outcomes: 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1 & 3
Domains: Language, Personal, Creative, Cognitive, Physical & Spiritual
AITSL Standard 5.2 Example 2
Figures 3 is an example of a student's work samples showing teacher feedback that was provided to students and added to their portfolios to share with parents. For the activity the students were shown ABAB patterns using two shapes and were asked to copy and create the two part shape pattern. They were then asked to make their own ABAB shape pattern. Figure 4 shows an explanation of the task, links to the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and a learning objectives table with tick boxes indicating if the student could complete the task independently or with assistance, this was completed and glued to their work sample, see Figure 3.

Figure 3 - ABAB shapes patterning with an explanation of the task, links to Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and a learning objectives table with tick boxes

Figure 4 - An explanation of the task, links to Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and a learning objectives table with tick boxes which was added to the students work sample and added to their portfolio
EYLF Outcomes: 1, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3 & 5
Domains: Language, Personal, Cognitive & Physical
AITSL Standard 5.2 Example 3
Figures 5 is an example of a student's work samples showing teacher feedback that was provided to students and added to their portfolios to share with parents. It is an example of a measurement activity in which the students printed their footprint and measured it using unifix. They then counted one to one correspondence to find out how many unifix long their foot was, found the number on the number line and copied it onto their sheet. They repeated this with the 'giant's' footprint and recorded their results. I assessed the student on two objectives, indicated in Figure 5, can measure how long objects are using unifix and can count one to one correspondence to find how many. I provided feedback to students and added the sample of work to their portfolio to share with parents.

Figure 5 - Measurement activity with rubric
EYLF Outcomes: 1, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3 & 5
Domains: Language, Personal, Cognitive & Physical