4.2 Manage classroom activities
AITSL Standard 4.2 Example 1
I establish and maintain orderly and workable routines to create an environment where student time is spent on learning tasks. Figure 1 below is an example of my Daily Work Pad showing student time spent on learning tasks, highlighted pink is the students time spent in Learning Centres and highlighted green are Teacher and Education Assistant focused learning activities. Highlighted yellow are the daily routines and highlighted red indicates time spent on learning during mat sessions. This demonstrates a work and play balance and ample time for students to spend on learning tasks.

Figure 1 - Daily Work Pad
EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Creative, Cognitive, Physical & Spiritual
AITSL Standard 4.2 Example 2
I establish and maintain orderly and workable routines which are implemented and enforced consistently. Each day our morning routine is the same, see Figure 2 below, the students know what is expected of them and they complete morning activities independently. Once the students sanitise their hands they find their name label and self-register, then unpack their lunch boxes into the lunch box and place their fruit and water bottle on the tray. Students then sit down at the writing table and write their name in the sign in book with their parent assisting with letter formation. Once these jobs are completed the students have free choice play with the books, puzzles and table top activities. At 9am the Handy Helper rings the bell, the students say goodbye to their parents and move to the mat for the morning welcome mat session. Together we sing the Welcome and Hello Song, then we play the name card roll call game, sing the days of the week song, write the day of the week and find out how many boys, girls and children there are by counting in a circle. We sing a few songs from our song book then the students break for a drink followed by a brain break and movement activity before moving onto Cracking the Code.

Figure 2 - Daily morning session
EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Creative, Cognitive, Physical & Spiritual
AITSL Standard 4.2 Example 3
In my Daily Work Pad I plan time for opening and closure routines which are part of the daily routine. The morning routine, see Figure 3, allows for students to be independent and assist with creating order throughout the day, E.g. lunch boxes, fruit and water are all in the one place for easy access and time efficiency for recess, lunch time and drink breaks. The afternoon routine, see Figure 4, consists of tidying up and packing away also includes time for students to get ready for home time in which they clear their pigeon holes inside, put their water bottles away, put their shoes on and pack their bags.

Figure 3 - Morning routine

Figure 4 - Afternoon routine
EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Domains: Language, Personal, Emotional, Cognitive, Creative, Physical & Spiritual