7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
AITSL Standard 7.4 Example 1
I have participated in professional and community networks to broaden my knowledge and improve my practice. I attended the Riverside Network Meeting on Differentiation, see minutes in Figure 1. I shared how I differentiate for writing, see extract from minutes in Figure 2. I used the phonics example shared by the teachers from Bicton Primary School in my lessons, see extract from minutes in Figure 3 and picture of example in Figure 4.

Figure 1 - Minutes from Riverside Network Meeting -

Figure 2 - My shared example of how I differentiate for writing in the classroom

Figure 3 - Teachers from Bicton Primary School's shared example of differentiation in the classroom

Figure 4 - Phonic 'satpin' and 'chemrd' cards for differentiation shared by teachers at Bicton Primary School
I used the idea of the phonic differentiation cards that the teachers from Bicton Primary School shared at the Riverside Network Meeting. I created my own cards, see Figure 5 below. Students who could write the letters were given a card and whiteboard to write the letters underneath the card and the low ability students were given the letters to place underneath the picture strip, see Figure 6.

Figure 5 - Picture strip I created for phonics lesson

Figure 6 - Sample of low ability student's work using cards
EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1, 3, 4, 5 & 7
Domains: Language, Personal, Cognitive & Physical
AITSL Standard 7.4 Example 2
I have participated in professional and community networks to broaden my knowledge and improve my practice. I spoke with the Early Years Team Leader from the Fremantle Learning Development Centre about their outdoor planning. The Fremantle Learning Development Centre is located within Caralee Community School and each morning I walked past their outdoor set up which was always inviting for students. The Early Years Coordinator shared with me some examples of their outdoor play plan, please see Figure 7 below. After a reflection on their plan I realised that I did not cater for fantasy play. As a result I incorporated fantasy play into the Kindergarten outdoor area, please see examples in Figures 8-11.

Figure 7 - Example of the Fremantle Learning Development Centre's outdoor play plan

Figure 8 - Birthday imaginary play

Figure 9 - Families with natural objects imaginary play

Figure 10 - Bus with construction hats imaginary play

Figure 11 - Dolls in pram and high chair with food imaginary play
EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
NQS Quality Area: 1 & 3
Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Creative, Cognitive, Physical & Spiritual