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6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice

AITSL Standard 6.3 Example 1

Below is a example of a reflection on practice arising from a professional discussion with a colleague. During the Caralee Community School Early Years team meeting, see Figure 1, the Early Years Coordinator and I discussed a suggestion of best practice for Talk for Writing in which teachers should introduce a different nursery rhyme to the students each week and use the books from the Australian Reading Spine to read to the students. In reflection, I could see the benefits for the students and I created a series of nursery rhyme cards with the words and a picture cue on them, see Figure 2. I then introduced a different nursery rhyme to the students each week during morning singing time and added it to our song book. I also used the recommended list for shared reading from the Australian Reading Spine and used the suggested books to read to my students at the end of the day for shared reading time.

Early Years Meeting TfW &

Figure 1 - Early Years team meeting minutes

Nursery rhyme 5.jpg
nursery rhyme 1.jpg
Nursery rhyme 4.jpg
Nursery rhyme 3.jpg

Figure 2 - Nursery rhymes with picture cues

EYLF Outcomes: 2, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1 & 5

Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Creative, Cognitive, Physical & Spiritual

AITSL Standard 6.3 Example 2

I engage with colleagues and improve my practice by contributing to collegial discussions and applying constructive feedback form colleagues to improve my professional knowledge and practice. The notes from Figure 3 are form my meeting with the Educational Support Officer with suggestions to implement for Student A with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Global Developmental Delay (GDD) and behaviour problems. Below are some of the changes I made for Student A:

  • timetable photocopied and stuck to the back of Now and Next chart, see Figure 4

  • Now and Next chart, see Figure 5

  • sensory breaks, see Figure 6

  • sensory objects, see Figure 7

  • IEP with learning goals, see Figure 8

  • visual timetable, see Figure 9

  • Social Stories, see Figure 10.

Meeting with Pam Dow.png

Figure 4 - Minutes from meeting with Educational Support Officer


Figure 4 - Nursery rhymes with picture cues


Figure 5 - Now and Next Chart

Brain breaks and activities.png

Figure 6 - Sensory breaks


Figure 7 - Sensory objects

IEP pg1.png

Figure 8 - First page of ASD student's IEP


Figure 9 - Visual timetable


Figure 10 - Example of Social Story

EYLF Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

NQS Quality Area: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7

Domains: Language, Personal, Social, Emotional, Creative, Cognitive, Physical & Spiritual

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